"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Thursday, April 26, 2012

You're loved always

It matters not what people think,
some say you're great, others say you stink.
It matters not what they might say,
carpe diem, just seize the day.

In God's image, we've all been made,
a plan for all of us He's laid.
Some plans are big, and some are small,
but we're all needed, one and all.

So if by chance you be feeling low,
get on your knees and before God go.
He'll whisper this any nights or days,
Fret not my child, you're loved always...


I once

I once thought I wouldn't see this day.
I once helped someone bring in their hay,
I once even thought I'd run away.

I once had firm teeth now they're loose,
I once even tried to shoot a goose.
I once could see but now for naught,
I once was stealth but now get caught.

I once had muscle now it's all fat,
I once worked out, so much for that.
I once had abs but now they're gone,
I once almost even wrote a song.

I once could run and jump about,
I once could even raise a shout.
I once thought I'd have all the time,
I once a mountain almost did climb.

I once thought there'd be lots to do,
I once even heard a cow go moooo.
I once was thin but now I'm round,
I once was lost but now I'm found.

I once thought there was no point,
I once had my big nose way out of joint.
I once didn't think I could be made new,
I once found Jesus and now I do.

I once thought this poem would never end,
I once thought some steel I'd like to bend.
I once thought I'd bid you all adieu,
I once thought all this, while on the loo...


Monday, April 23, 2012

I spent some time with God today

I spent some time with God today,
the time was very well spent.
We sorted out at least one thing,
The time just came and went.
I asked Him why so many,
just won't heed His call.
He said, they just can't see,
the writing on the wall.
Satan has them blinded,
and if they would only see.
They'd throw aside all his lies,
come running straight to me.
I have done all I can for them,
So I can do no more.
I sacrificed my sinless Son,
He is the open door.
I said I felt discouraged,
it's as if they've all gone deaf.
He said my son don't worry,
there's many out there yet.
The harvest will be plenty,
and some just won't be reached.
They'd rather live their lives in sin,
than hear the Gospel preached.
So just keep putting out my Word,
and let it point the way.
Some will hear, and some steer clear,
and some come home to stay...


"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear".....2 Timothy 4: 2-3

Sunday, April 22, 2012

That trumpet you'll soon hear blow...

Wake up! wake up! the time is near.
The Lord is coming soon.
Get ready to meet Him in the air,
Could be midday, night or noon.

One day that trumpet's gonna blow,
And only the saved will hear.
Come up hither, Jesus will say,
That day is very near.

It matters not you don't believe,
It will happen anyway.
It matters not the plans you've weaved,
DO NOT miss that day!

Position, fortune, prestige or fame,
Won't matter in the least.
It's what you've done with Jesus Christ,
Your ticket to the feast.

The marriage supper of the Lamb,
You DO NOT want to miss.
To rule and reign with Jesus Christ,
A future of heavenly bliss.

So set your sights on things above,
The time is very near.
Don't miss the best that is to come,
And settle for less that's here.

If you don't know Jesus as LORD,
Your Savior He can be.
But, turn your back, laugh and scoff,
You're on your own you see.

For God is Holy, we are not,
In His presence we can't stand.
Unless with Jesus we enter in,
We're up the creek! Understand?

Just ask Him in to cleanse your sin,
Your heart, He'll make it glow.
People around will see you change,
And, that trumpet? You'll soon hear blow!
