"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Walk the Talk

Yesterday I was reminded again of how important it is to not only talk the talk, but walk the talk as well. There are many people out there more than willing to keep us in check, especially when one who professes to be Christian, screws up.
People will readily throw "Christianity" in your face at every wrong turn. I don't say this with any animosity or hard feelings. It's just the way it is, and it's not likely to ever change. It serves to keep us in check and give us a dose of humility when needed.

I found myself needing to apologize for some things said on facebook, and rightly so. Things that started out in jest but got out of hand and taken the wrong way. The fact is my "Christian" testimony as far as some people are concerned may have been seriously damaged. Sometimes apologies just don't cut it. Sometimes things said can't be taken back, or made up for.
 If I'm publicly professing Christ, then I need to be mindful of "everything" I do or say, because I'm supposed to be a representative of Jesus. What people see in me reflects on Christ, and they see and hear everything.

Facebook can be a great communication or ministry tool, if used properly. A way to keep in touch, but it can also be something that satan can use to destroy relationships.

This lesson I should have learned years ago, yet, I seem to need reminding of it over and over. As a professing believer in Christ, I'm an ambassador for Him. I may be the only representative of Jesus some people ever see or hear. That's a huge and serious responsibility, and a scary prospect where I'm concerned as well. I have a lot of work to do. Thankfully, God is gracious and forgiving. I'm a work in progress. That's not an excuse for me to act badly, it's just a fact.

 I read a quote on facebook awhile ago that puts it in perspective. I don't know if I remember it exactly, but it went something like.... " Your actions speak so loud, I can't hear what you're saying."

A couple of quotes from God's Word too...

" ....whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable --- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy --- think about such things." Phillipians 4:8

"....let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16

Words I pray that will stick in my head and heart....

Friday, February 19, 2010

Creation or Evolution?

Last night we had the privilege of hearing from a fellow from Creation Ministries at our small group. It is such a controversial and indepth subject that it is absolutely mind boggling. The degree to which man has tried to disprove the Creation story is astounding! No matter how many formulas and theories they come up with and scientific mumbo jumbo they confuse people with, they still must come to a place where in the beginning something had to be created from nothing. How does something come from nothing? Well, they don't know.
Yet, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent and thousands of man hours used up trying to prove the impossible each year.
My theory is that man believes he must disprove the Creation story because if he can do that, then there is no sin to be forgiven for, and no God for him to give an account to one day. If there is no God man can do whatever he likes without fear of judgement.

The Bible says in Psalm 14:1, "The fool has said in his heart there is no God".Thankfully more and more scientists are seeing that what they are discovering points to an intelligent Designer, and the Creation story of the Bible is making sense to them. To those who are open and willing to see anyway. I'm talking about Geophyicists, Molecular biologists, Astronomers, Zoologists, Physics professors, Anatomists and Nuclear Physicists, not an ignoramus mechanic such as myself. I might add though, that as a mechanic I have quite often made things work with next to nothing, but have yet to create a needed part from absolutely nothing.

Jesus said in Mark 10:15  " I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
We don't have to be theologians to have faith in a Creator God. The Bible is written so that children can understand it, and all we need is childlike faith to believe.

I won't win any Nobel prizes for my opinion and I really don't care. I believe in the Creator God who sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for my sin. Not because someone told me to, but because I have personally experienced the power of His Holy Spirit. The sin nature that entered the world through Adam can be redeemed by Jesus's death and Resurrection. Again, the choice is ours to make.
It takes much less faith for me to believe that, than evolution's theories and formulas and conjectures about things coming forth from nothing at all....

" Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them-the LORD, who remains faithful forever." Psalm 146: 5-6

I'll hang my hat right there....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The wedding garment...

Mattthew 22: 1-14 talks about a wedding feast that a king had prepared for his son. The king sent out his servants to invite guests to come. The servants were met with all kinds of excuses and the guests refused to come. The king sent out more servants giving them instructions to tell the guests that he had butchered the oxen and fattened cattle. Come and feast and be filled, but they still paid no attention. One went to tend his field another his business and the rest mistreated and killed the king's servants. This angered the king greatly. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and their city.
Then he said to his servants, the feast is ready. Those that I invited did not deserve to come. Go into the streets and byways and invite anyone you meet. Tell them to come and be filled with all the goodness of a feast of the king. So many guests came, both good and bad and the wedding hall was filled.
When the king came in he noticed right away that one of the guests wasn't wearing a wedding garment. He asked the man how he got in without a wedding  garment but he was speechless. The king ordered him bound and thrown out into outer darkness, where there is much weeping and gnashing of teeth.
'"For many are invited, but few are chosen."

Simply put...The parable is about God's invitation to everyone to accept His gift of the Gospel and eternal life.
There is a wedding feast planned in the future. The wedding of Jesus Christ and His bride the church. It's called "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb". It's a feast that God the Father wants none of us to miss, but some will as the parable states, out of pure indifference.
The garment that's needed to attend the feast is simply the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Without that garment there is no entry.
Accepting Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior of our lives, and putting our trust fully in Him. Turning from our wrong doing and following His example, is all that's needed to enter. A simple honest and heart felt prayer such as.... Lord forgive me a sinner, please come into my heart and save me. Change me into the person you created me to be...

Will you be at "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb?" The greatest feast ever to be prepared! Or will you be cast out as the one without the wedding garment?
The choice is yours to make. I'll be there. I pray I'll see you there too.

"Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and He will have mercy on Him, and to our God, for He will freely pardon." Isaiah 55: 6-7
In fact, all of Isaiah 55 describes God's invitation to us, and what's in store for all who will accept. Don't miss out...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dried up

Feeling dried up these days. I can't seem to bring two thoughts together. I feel like the valley of dry bones spoken of in Ezekiel 37. I'll continue to read God's Word daily, and trust it to bring renewed life.

Then he said to me, " Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD." Ezekiel 37: 4-6

LORD please breathe a refreshing breath into these dry bones of mine...