"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Some people

Some people have a laugh, while some people cry
Some will get serious, and some will just get high
Some will be angry, and some of them will lie
Some will eat a little, and some take all the pie
Some will belittle you, some will be so shy
Some will be stiff as boards, and some of them be sly
Some will be a real pain, on some you may rely

Some will be so studious, some will only sleep
Some will never shut their mouth, and some won't say a peep
Some are very shallow, while some are way too deep
Some are very thin you know, and some the fat do keep
Some will drink their coffee black, and some their tea will steep
Some are such a blessing, while some go tend their sheep
Some will seem to hold it in, while some will water seep

Some will be just little ones, some they will be tall
Some will be so very big, and some so very small
Some will be so fortunate, and some will always fall
Some will stay at home you know, while some go to the mall
Some of them will be content, while some will climb the wall
Some will thankful always be, and some will only bawl
Some will even know the LORD, but some will have much gall

So if you know some people, and I sure hope you do
Please exercise some patience, as they may do with you
For we are all God's creatures, He loves us every one
He gives us life abundant, He did so in His Son
I don't know how to end this, so I'll just simply say
Peace on earth, good will to men, on this near Christmas day...

by Cliff McGrath on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 2:03pm

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Separation....What it means to me.

" Come out from them and be separate", says the LORD. What does that mean? What I believe it means is that as believers in Christ, we should not be business partners together with unbelievers. We should not be married to unbelievers. We should not be found to be drunks or living sexually immoral lives. We should not be liars or deceivers and our speech should not be filled with filth...We should be known as honest law-abiding citizens etc, etc... After all, as believers we are supposed to be ambassadors for Christ here on earth, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are the vessels that Christ has chosen to do His work through here.

So tell me this... How do we do Christ's work if we separate ourselves so much from those around us that we have no interaction with them? It seems to me that the doctrine of separation has become very convenient for some Christians who don't like sharing their faith, or are afraid to do so.

Jesus commanded us to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel." We can't do that if we have no contact with the world. We were made for relationship. If we're not building relationships with people our words become just empty words.

He never said, " Go into all the world and build church buildings and sit in them waiting for people to come. Hold meetings and programs and be blessed amongst yourselves. Become a bunch of holier than thou's for my name's sake".
There's nothing wrong with "church". It's a God ordained-institution, a living, breathing body of believers with Christ as the Head. But, if all we do is sit in our buildings, we've missed it.

I'm so glad Jesus never thought that way. He could have stayed in heaven, separated Himself from us sinners, and we'd all be on our way to hell right now...
We can't be ambassadors for Christ if we're so separated from the people around us that we have no effect on them. Unbelievers are not flocking to churches today, and sadly, most have very good reasons not to.

It's time the church got off our lily white blessed assurances and started doing life in our communities. Rubbing shoulders with neighbors and making a difference in people's lives. We don't have to become drunks or sexual deviates but we do have to be out there doing life with people...loving them and giving them hope.
I just don't see how we can effect change if we have nothing to do with the culture that surrounds us. Jesus left heaven with all its glories behind. He walked among us sinners. He did life with us and among us. He met people where they were. Like the Samaritan woman at the well. He called Zaccheus down from the tree. He called His disciples publicly. He sat down and ate with sinners. Probably heard some bad language too. It seems to me most of His ministry was done on foot, walking amongst the crowds, healing people from diseases and forgiving their sins. He didn't hide off in some corner of society like a self- righteous rabbi circling the wagons for protection. He met life head on. He made a difference. He expects the same from us.

That's what separation means to me... but that's just me.

Jesus' prayer to the Father for His disciples. " I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified".... John 17:14-19

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Love over Holiness

In his message at the Gathering at Trent this week, our guest speaker made a point that stuck with me. He said that when God the Father sent His Son Jesus to earth for us, He was putting love over His own Holiness. He could have stood in His Holiness and said to us..."Ok, you chose to disobey me, now we're separated because of it. I'm Holy and you've now become sinners. You'll have to pay the price and spend eternity in hell, a place that I've prepared for Satan and his demons.

Thankfully, God the Father loved us enough to send Jesus His Son to pay that price in our place. What a great example of how we the "Church" are supposed to be acting toward the world around us. I believe one of the greatest downfalls of the church  in the past generation has been to be stuck in our own "holiness" and we've come across to the world around us as self righteous and condemning hypocrites. Pushing people away from Christ instead of drawing them to Him. I know of people who thought they couldn't go to church because they didn't have good enough clothes to wear, or just weren't good enough to go.

John the Baptist wore a cloak of camel's hair and ate wild locusts. He probably looked like a wild man and most likely wouldn't be very welcome in a lot of churches today.
Yet, Jesus said of John, "I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

Jesus said in Matthew 11: 28-29 " Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." No mention of a three piece suit anywhere or the need to attain a certain status before coming.

The only hope any of us has of attaining holiness is in Christ. We may be able to live very moral lives on the outside, but our holiness is in Him. So as God the Father presented Christ to us in Love, we must also present Christ to the world around us in love. Maybe then, the world wouldn't smell the hypocrisy a mile away when they come near us. And, maybe then we'll see the results of what God can do through us.

The Gathering at Trent gets it. We don't stand on religious tradition. We stand on Christ and on His finished work on the Cross: His death, His burial and His resurrection ... If we as the "church" will meet people where they are with the Love of Christ it will make a difference; they will accept Christ. It will produce Kingdom citizens, the least of which will be greater than John the Baptist! 5 people will be baptised from our hub group this Sunday. God is at work! There is a new generation rising!

May we never be a church that does this ..."These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain." (Matthew 15:8-9)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life is short

Life is shorter than we think. So live, love, laugh and raise some stink. Stir the pot or make a wave. Sing out loud or just be brave. Time and tide they wait for none. So take some leave, enjoy some sun. Read God's word and soak it in. Its truth sees one through thick and thin. So don't despair, be sad or glum. Get off your butt, forgive someone. Christ supplies our every need, forgiving makes us free indeed. If His name you do take on. Make Him proud you've tagged along. And, if by chance some day you fall, He'll still accept you after all. So live, love, laugh and raise some stink. Life is shorter than we think...

c. mcgrath

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Prayer for all Seasons, A Prayer for all Weather

January, 2011

A Prayer for all Seasons, A Prayer for all Weather:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Forgive us for our “fairweather” joy and faithfulness, that is so easily up and down and as changeable as the weather. But thank You that You have compassion on us, and remember that we are “dust”. You understand our human frailty perfectly because You made us and know exactly what “makes us tick”. You know how easily we are affected by our environment, and how desperately we need You! And thank You that not only do You know us and understand us because You are the all-wise, all-knowing, omnipotent Creator of all, but also because You took on skin and entered the human race Yourself for a while. So You have personal experience of what it’s like to be a human being in this fallen world! Thank You so much Lord Jesus, that You can identify with us………

When the sun shines and it’s a beautiful day, help us to rejoice and be thankful, not just for its beauty and warmth that You have created, but for You. May we be reminded that the sun is merely a pale reflection of Your infinite glory, and may we rejoice in You!

When it’s a grey and dreary day and we can’t see the sun, help us to remember that You are still there, shining as gloriously as ever, even if we can’t see You or feel You at the moment. May we thank You and rejoice that You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You never change! May we keep turning to You in repentance and trust, and bask in the light and warmth of Your love.

When the rain comes, may we be reminded of Your faithfulness, and that You always provide what we need to grow and flourish, both physically and spiritually. May we thank You for the refreshing rains of Your grace, the Living Water of Your Spirit that You pour out on us to fill us and flow through us to refresh others!

When it’s dark and stormy and scary, may we be reminded of Your infinite power and sovereignty, and that You are always in control, doing what is best according to Your infinite wisdom, unfailing love, and perfect righteousness. May we cling to You and rejoice that You are our Solid Rock and Anchor, and always strong and safe Shelter. May we rest and trust in You alone! (Thank You that the wind and the waves obey You!)

When it snows and we see the beauty of a white blanket covering the earth, may we be reminded of Your purity, and of the blood Jesus shed to wash us white as snow. May we repent and rejoice in Your forgiveness and cleansing! (And when the snow in the city turns grey and gross and dirty, may we remember that we continually need your grace to keep us clean!!)

When the wind is cold and bitter and winter seems to never end……or when it’s so hot and humid we think we can’t stand it a moment longer…….please forgive our complaining and help us remember that as surely as the seasons change, You will keep Your promise to return, King Jesus, and one day we and all creation will be restored to the fullness of Your original intention. Amen, come Lord Jesus!!

When it’s so foggy we can barely see anything, may we give thanks that You are the Light of the world and have overcome the domain of darkness! May we take Your hand and walk by faith. May we shine as lights in the darkness for others, because You have shone Your Light in our hearts.

When it is icy, please teach us to be careful. What is sparkly and dazzling can also be deceptively dangerous, destructive and deadly, and can so easily trip us up. Help us to choose every step wisely, avoiding the “slippery slope” of sin, and walking confidently in the footsteps of our Good Shepherd, who always leads us safely in paths of righteousness.

When it is slushy and messy, or muddy and yucky, may we remember and rejoice that You were not reluctant to enter the mess of our world to rescue us!! Thank You, Lord Jesus! (We love You, because You have loved us first!)

In Jesus’ precious and holy, strong and matchless Name we pray….. with thanksgiving, Amen.

Jane. E. McGrath