"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Engage the culture

              "You are the light of the world, a city built upon a hill cannot be hidden."  Matthew 5:14

Are we as Christians engaging our surrounding culture enough? Are we shining our light so that those in our culture can see their way through the prevailing darkness of Satan's kingdom?
Today we have amazing tools in social media. Every Christian who can, needs to be using these tools and at least trying to make a difference in their surroundings.

I've recently discovered the world of Twitter, much to the dismay of many, I'm sure. Maybe they'll thank me later, most likely, not. Maybe they'll tell me to go get stuffed! Like I told someone to do recently. (By the way, not a recommended practice, and doesn't tend to further God's Kingdom.)

 The Gospel can be tweeted all over the world from wherever we happen to have access to the internet, or cell phone service. Which is most everywhere now.
I see Christians on social media. But what I see mostly, is more "Christian camps." Christians preaching to, arguing doctrinal positions, with one another. While all around them the culture continues to decay. Don't be afraid to add non-Christians to your facebook or Twitter, or whatever you're using. They need the light.They may not know it, but they do. Be prepared to be cursed out, and berated in every way imaginable. Be prepared to even see and hear some "bad language". Whoooo!

I'll be the first to admit that I don't have all the answers. However, I can give a small example of what I'm talking about, and not to pat myself on the back.

Recently on Twitter I saw a comment written by a columnist for the Toronto Star. A national newspaper, where in his tweet he used the word  f...ing. I found it very odd that a columnist would use such language, so I tweeted him back and asked him why? He said, "for effect, on occasion. If you don't like it, you can block me".
Now, anyone who knows me, knows the hair stood a tad taller on the back of my neck after reading that, so, that's where I proceeded to tell him that I was," just asking, and that he could stuff his attitude!" (Again, not recommended.)
To which he replied, what attitude? Then proceeded to tell me how twitter works. Anyhow, it ended with smiley faces all around and each wishing the other a good night. We were engaged in a cultural battle for a short time at least.

Maybe it will make him think twice about using that word again, maybe not. Maybe it'll make no difference at all. Only God knows. The point is, we don't run and hide or circle our wagons and talk and complain amongst ourselves about how bad society is becoming, when we're not willing to do anything to curb it. We have to cross enemy lines and do battle. Have a say, and hopefully shed some light and salt.

Think of it this way. Your church body is an army of light for the dark culture surrounding it. Your pastor has given you all flashlights, candles, flares, whatever. You leave church on Sunday morning take your lights home and stuff them in the closet till next Sunday, or in some cases Wed night, then you bring them all back to church only to "be blessed" with more lights to hide the following week. All the while, those outside the camp continue to stumble around in darkness, needing the light we have hidden. Sounds rather dumb to me, but that's what many of us do.
Any army general will tell you, an army that won't engage isn't worth having. In fact, it's useless. Gideon is a great example in Judges chapter 7 of what a small army can do with the LORD leading. Make some noise, shine some light and the enemy can fall.

Seek to make a difference each day. Cross into Satan's territory and engage in the fight. Shed some light in a dark world, regardless of how small it is. It's still light, and light and darkness cannot both exist at the same time. Walk into a dark room and turn on a light. What happens? Darkness disappears! But, walk out (or stay out)and turn off the light, darkness returns or remains.
Shed some light when you see darkness. God has given us some amazing tools. I've talked to people I'll never meet on this earth through social media. A word of encouragement, spread some hope, some love, some help, be a listening ear, anything at all.....Engage!

"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds, and glorify your Father in heaven"  Matthew 5:16


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