"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Saturday, October 19, 2013

More concern for the created, than the Creator.

We're a messed up bunch. We've progressed beyond all common sense it would seem. Tonight a program airs on TV about the terrible conditions that chickens are made to endure on chicken farms. It'll be a good program, I have no doubt. Don't get me wrong, I believe all of God's creatures need to be treated with respect, not abused, maimed, or wasted in any way. Yes, even chickens. The only animal that I've seen, that will continue to peck and eat it's food even while it's feathered colleagues are being placed on the chopping block right beside them, having their heads removed. A more stupid animal, I have yet to witness. Not saying one doesn't exist. Just that I haven't seen it.
Now, I have to believe that most people would consider themselves to be of infinitely more value than a chicken. I could be wrong, but I choose to believe that anyway. But it's seems that there are those among us who don't think so, and, in my opinion, prove it by their actions.

Yes, of course I'm talking about the "pro choice" people. They believe that a woman has the right to choose, whether her child, or excuse me, "blob of tissue" lives or dies. It can be legally ripped apart, and sucked from her body, or hey, if necessary, and carried to full term, have it's spinal cord snipped during birth to kill it, or it's brains sucked out, in a partial birth abortion. Quite gory I would imagine, but hey, it's a quick solution to an unwanted "problem". Where pray tell, is the TV program about that? Why aren't we seeing a program that shows that going on?

Surprisingly, through the recent pregnancy of Kate and birth of Prince George, I don't ever remember him being called a "blob of tissue". Readily and immediately what Kate was carrying was referred to as a new heir to the throne. So one would have to assume that it was in fact, a baby that Kate was carrying. Not a blob of tissue, but I digress.

We eat chicken in some form around our house almost every day. We eat a lot of chicken. On  the other hand, we've never eaten any humans, or blobs. Common sense tells me, that we just might be a tad more important than chickens. At least I'm pretty sure KFC thinks so.

Life, I believe is a precious gift from God. How can we be so selfish, irresponsible and callous with human life, yet be so concerned about the abuse of a chicken, something we all eat for food on a regular basis.
We're really messed up people. Really messed up, and God is weeping over his children being murdered.

I believe God is sovereign. He either brings it to us, or allows it to happen. Everything has purpose. Whether we understand it, believe it, or not. God never wastes any circumstance. Yes, even rape. James Robinson, TV evangelist, and provider of water wells to many third world countries, is a product of his mother being raped.
Rape is a hateful thing, a criminal and selfish act, don't get me wrong. But God can use anything for good, and He does. James Robinson is but one example. I'm pretty sure he's not the only one
We live in satan's domain. This is his world. Jesus Christ will eventually put all things right. Until then we shouldn't be surprised by what goes on here. That everything's messed up.After all, satan is the father of lies. He comes to kill, steal and destroy, and that's what he's doing.

He's convinced some of us that we need to murder our future in the womb, but save our chickens from abuse.

"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen."   Romans 1:25

"Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap" Galatians 6:7

What do you think we're going to reap from abortion? We need to repent of this slaughter so that God  may have mercy on us... So messed up!
