"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Monday, November 11, 2013

Keep plugging away

Lately I've really been feeling extra burdened for the lost. I almost feel like running around screaming my head off, that Christ is coming back soon! Get ready! Like John the Baptist did, yelling REPENT! I don't though, for the simple fact I'd be branded a raving lunatic. Maybe I have been anyway. It's like Abraham told the rich man in the parable. If they won't hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they hear someone who returns from the dead. They have God's Word(Bible)and there's many good preachers. I believe if someone returned from the dead today, some people still would not listen. They'd find some way to explain it away.

It's frustrating. I see people everywhere, going about daily routines and I wonder, how many of these people know Jesus? Are they ready for what's soon coming? How can we tell them so they will understand and believe? Go into most churches today and they're practically empty. Go to most sport stadiums and they're packed to capacity.

It's difficult to walk up to strangers today. People don't look at strangers, never mind talk to them. Satan has done his homework. He's been working tirelessly, deceiving  many with all the pleasures of sin for a season.With his continued questioning of  "hath God really said?" just like it was in the Garden of Eden. The same ploy still works.
It's almost like we've entered a post evangelism era. Unsaved people aren't flocking to church anymore, despite the myriad of programs. In 12 years I've been able to get my neighbor out to one Christmas concert. It seems that not many are listening, or even interested.

Why is the Gospel so offensive? Why is the thought of a perfect God entering His creation and dying in our place, so offensive? Why is relinquishing control of our lives to the God who created us, and knows why, and for what He created us, so offensive? Why is the thought of Christ paying for our sins in full so offensive? Why won't people see that their eternal destination is at stake? What makes people take such a chance with that? They will buy insurance for everything else, and leave eternity completely to chance. Why? People will believe the theory of evolution. A theory that can't be proven. Over the Bible, which has proven itself through fulfilled prophecy. Why? It takes more faith to believe in evolution, than it does to believe in creation. Logically it makes no sense.

Most people believe that when they die, they're going to heaven because they're a pretty good person. They've lived a good life. They haven't wasted their life. They've succeeded. I hear it all the time. So and so has gone to a better place.
Everyone wants to go to heaven, but not the way of Christ. They want to pay their own way. Problem is, they can't. There is no other way.

So, how do we present Christ in this day and age? The same way as always, that's how. The Gospel. If the Holy Spirit is working in someone's life, they will respond. If the Holy Spirit is not working in them, it'll be received as foolishness and no amount of church programs, facebook postings, twitter tweets or whatever method will help. It's really that simple.

It's not our place to be frustrated, gloomy, or despondent. The joy of the LORD is to be our strength. It's our place to pray for our fellow man and present the Gospel, and disciple those who respond to the Holy Spirit's call.

Some people are just not going to make it to heaven. I wish that wasn't true, but it is. Their pride and foolish intellect and education will keep them from believing. Their loss of respect or possible advancement in their profession, will keep them from believing. We need to keep plugging away, for the sake of those who will believe. Who will make it.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Jesus said we must enter the Kingdom of God as little children.We don't need to be Theologians. Little children trust their father completely.( If he's a good father)

And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
It doesn't get any simpler than that, or easier to understand. God will lift Satan's veil from the eyes of those His Spirit is calling.

Imagine the frustration that Noah must have felt. He preached repentance for many years while building the ark. The ridicule he must have endured. When the flood waters began to rise, only 8 people were on the ark with the animals. Only Noah's own family. Not many listened then, and not many are listening now.

"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man."  Luke 17:26 

Keep praying and plugging away... 


Saturday, November 9, 2013

There is hope

Oh that I could make you see,
the love that Christ has truly shown.
In giving of Himself so free,
so we could be His very own.

I pray that Christ will open eyes,
so people see through Satan's lies.
The veil he's cast, it's not so thin,
and all around, they die in sin.

But, Christ is risen, we have hope,
this is no matter of little scope.
If we will put our trust in Him,
He'll  give us power over sin.

And when our life on earth is done,
we need not fear what ere may come.
Our future safe in Christ will be,
for now, and all eternity.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Engage the culture

              "You are the light of the world, a city built upon a hill cannot be hidden."  Matthew 5:14

Are we as Christians engaging our surrounding culture enough? Are we shining our light so that those in our culture can see their way through the prevailing darkness of Satan's kingdom?
Today we have amazing tools in social media. Every Christian who can, needs to be using these tools and at least trying to make a difference in their surroundings.

I've recently discovered the world of Twitter, much to the dismay of many, I'm sure. Maybe they'll thank me later, most likely, not. Maybe they'll tell me to go get stuffed! Like I told someone to do recently. (By the way, not a recommended practice, and doesn't tend to further God's Kingdom.)

 The Gospel can be tweeted all over the world from wherever we happen to have access to the internet, or cell phone service. Which is most everywhere now.
I see Christians on social media. But what I see mostly, is more "Christian camps." Christians preaching to, arguing doctrinal positions, with one another. While all around them the culture continues to decay. Don't be afraid to add non-Christians to your facebook or Twitter, or whatever you're using. They need the light.They may not know it, but they do. Be prepared to be cursed out, and berated in every way imaginable. Be prepared to even see and hear some "bad language". Whoooo!

I'll be the first to admit that I don't have all the answers. However, I can give a small example of what I'm talking about, and not to pat myself on the back.

Recently on Twitter I saw a comment written by a columnist for the Toronto Star. A national newspaper, where in his tweet he used the word  f...ing. I found it very odd that a columnist would use such language, so I tweeted him back and asked him why? He said, "for effect, on occasion. If you don't like it, you can block me".
Now, anyone who knows me, knows the hair stood a tad taller on the back of my neck after reading that, so, that's where I proceeded to tell him that I was," just asking, and that he could stuff his attitude!" (Again, not recommended.)
To which he replied, what attitude? Then proceeded to tell me how twitter works. Anyhow, it ended with smiley faces all around and each wishing the other a good night. We were engaged in a cultural battle for a short time at least.

Maybe it will make him think twice about using that word again, maybe not. Maybe it'll make no difference at all. Only God knows. The point is, we don't run and hide or circle our wagons and talk and complain amongst ourselves about how bad society is becoming, when we're not willing to do anything to curb it. We have to cross enemy lines and do battle. Have a say, and hopefully shed some light and salt.

Think of it this way. Your church body is an army of light for the dark culture surrounding it. Your pastor has given you all flashlights, candles, flares, whatever. You leave church on Sunday morning take your lights home and stuff them in the closet till next Sunday, or in some cases Wed night, then you bring them all back to church only to "be blessed" with more lights to hide the following week. All the while, those outside the camp continue to stumble around in darkness, needing the light we have hidden. Sounds rather dumb to me, but that's what many of us do.
Any army general will tell you, an army that won't engage isn't worth having. In fact, it's useless. Gideon is a great example in Judges chapter 7 of what a small army can do with the LORD leading. Make some noise, shine some light and the enemy can fall.

Seek to make a difference each day. Cross into Satan's territory and engage in the fight. Shed some light in a dark world, regardless of how small it is. It's still light, and light and darkness cannot both exist at the same time. Walk into a dark room and turn on a light. What happens? Darkness disappears! But, walk out (or stay out)and turn off the light, darkness returns or remains.
Shed some light when you see darkness. God has given us some amazing tools. I've talked to people I'll never meet on this earth through social media. A word of encouragement, spread some hope, some love, some help, be a listening ear, anything at all.....Engage!

"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds, and glorify your Father in heaven"  Matthew 5:16


Saturday, October 19, 2013

More concern for the created, than the Creator.

We're a messed up bunch. We've progressed beyond all common sense it would seem. Tonight a program airs on TV about the terrible conditions that chickens are made to endure on chicken farms. It'll be a good program, I have no doubt. Don't get me wrong, I believe all of God's creatures need to be treated with respect, not abused, maimed, or wasted in any way. Yes, even chickens. The only animal that I've seen, that will continue to peck and eat it's food even while it's feathered colleagues are being placed on the chopping block right beside them, having their heads removed. A more stupid animal, I have yet to witness. Not saying one doesn't exist. Just that I haven't seen it.
Now, I have to believe that most people would consider themselves to be of infinitely more value than a chicken. I could be wrong, but I choose to believe that anyway. But it's seems that there are those among us who don't think so, and, in my opinion, prove it by their actions.

Yes, of course I'm talking about the "pro choice" people. They believe that a woman has the right to choose, whether her child, or excuse me, "blob of tissue" lives or dies. It can be legally ripped apart, and sucked from her body, or hey, if necessary, and carried to full term, have it's spinal cord snipped during birth to kill it, or it's brains sucked out, in a partial birth abortion. Quite gory I would imagine, but hey, it's a quick solution to an unwanted "problem". Where pray tell, is the TV program about that? Why aren't we seeing a program that shows that going on?

Surprisingly, through the recent pregnancy of Kate and birth of Prince George, I don't ever remember him being called a "blob of tissue". Readily and immediately what Kate was carrying was referred to as a new heir to the throne. So one would have to assume that it was in fact, a baby that Kate was carrying. Not a blob of tissue, but I digress.

We eat chicken in some form around our house almost every day. We eat a lot of chicken. On  the other hand, we've never eaten any humans, or blobs. Common sense tells me, that we just might be a tad more important than chickens. At least I'm pretty sure KFC thinks so.

Life, I believe is a precious gift from God. How can we be so selfish, irresponsible and callous with human life, yet be so concerned about the abuse of a chicken, something we all eat for food on a regular basis.
We're really messed up people. Really messed up, and God is weeping over his children being murdered.

I believe God is sovereign. He either brings it to us, or allows it to happen. Everything has purpose. Whether we understand it, believe it, or not. God never wastes any circumstance. Yes, even rape. James Robinson, TV evangelist, and provider of water wells to many third world countries, is a product of his mother being raped.
Rape is a hateful thing, a criminal and selfish act, don't get me wrong. But God can use anything for good, and He does. James Robinson is but one example. I'm pretty sure he's not the only one
We live in satan's domain. This is his world. Jesus Christ will eventually put all things right. Until then we shouldn't be surprised by what goes on here. That everything's messed up.After all, satan is the father of lies. He comes to kill, steal and destroy, and that's what he's doing.

He's convinced some of us that we need to murder our future in the womb, but save our chickens from abuse.

"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen."   Romans 1:25

"Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap" Galatians 6:7

What do you think we're going to reap from abortion? We need to repent of this slaughter so that God  may have mercy on us... So messed up!


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

God is in control

" For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked." Psalm 73: 3

When I read this verse this morning it was after gassing up the car and finding prices had risen again by 10-12 cents/liter. I could relate.

 They seem to put whatever price they like on gas now, and whenever they feel like it. Gas moves an inch on the world market(up), and a mile at the pumps, a mile on the world market(down), an inch at the pumps.

Then a little further on I read: "Surely you put them on slippery ground; you cast them down to ruin. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors!" Psalm 73:18-19

I realized that God is in control. If these business practices are not above board, God will hold them to account. They will not prosper forever.
God has also promised to meet my needs. I can have full confidence according to Philippians 4:19, that he will do so.
I no longer need to fret about the oil companies or government taxation, etc, etc... God will hold them all to account. My job is to trust Him. "And my God will meet all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus". Phil 4:19

My rant for the day!


Saturday, June 22, 2013

The day God intervened

It was a nice day for Vancouver, and we decided we'd take the kids to Chilliwack to Flintstones Park. Off in the east though, the dark clouds were looming and it wasn't looking good for weather. It rains a lot in that part of the country, but we decided we'd give it a go anyway.
We had moved from Nova Scotia to Port Hardy a year or so previous to this day and were visiting my wife's parents at the time in Vancouver.
We set out on the trip to Chilliwack. While driving through Vancouver though, apparently I ran a yellow light. At least this is what the motorcycle cop was telling me as I sat furiously fuming, but very tight lipped and silent about the 75 dollar ticket he was about to give me!
When I pulled over, I pulled off on a side street to be clear of traffic, and after I received my reward from the nice officer, I wasn't able to get back on the street I pulled off from. Something to do with one way streets. In the course of trying to get back to where we were, we ended up quite lost, my frustration and fuming about my ticket not helping  matters in the least!
After about an hour or so we ended up in an area that my wife recognized and used to live, and knew where she was at least. So, after that, we decided to change our plans for the day and go to the Vancouver science center, as the weather by this time had started to change for the worse anyway.
We found parking and went inside and no sooner got in the door when one of the kids yelled out "There's the Manthornes!"
The Manthornes, were our pastor and his family from the church we attended while in Nova Scotia. They however, were on their way out while we were on our way in, so we visited briefly, and made plans to meet them in Stanley park the next day, and we had a great visit and time catching up the next afternoon!
When we got home to Port Hardy from Vancouver a week later, in our mail box was a letter from the Manthornes saying they would be in Vancouver at such a time, and how great it would be if we could meet up!
How sad we would have been to read that letter if God had not intervened and brought nine people together that day in the middle of 2 million others, in Vancouver.
Some people call these coincidences. Not me. I call them God-incidences. Some times God intervenes in our lives and some times He chooses not too. He's God, we're not! But, when He does, there is no doubt it was Him.
After all that, the 75 dollar ticket didn't seem quite so bad, a small price to pay for quality time spent with good friends, and seeing first hand, God at work. God is good!

" In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps" Proverbs 16:9


Monday, January 21, 2013

Politically correct?

Political correctness, what does it mean,
is there meaning in it, that only some glean?
Should we set aside all common sense,
and kill the unborn who have no defense?
Do we really have rights to destroy family trees,
when Jesus said, let the children come unto me?
Do we have the right to declare ourselves gay,
When Jesus said clearly, that it's not the way?
How prideful and arrogant we have become,
we think we know more than God's only Son.
We pray for God's blessing, and His words we don't keep,
then wonder where He's at, when we all weep.
His Word stands forever, honest and true,
He make no suggestions, for me and for you.
He clearly and firmly says, this is the way,
and if we hold to it, we'll firmly stay.
If political correctness, is the path that you choose,
don't be surprised in the end if you lose.
The best gift of all, God gave everyone,
His precious and only, begotton Son...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Season of darkness

Season of darkness just let me be,
you seem to enjoy what you're doing to me.
My mind is fogged up and cloudy all day,
why must you torture this vessel of clay?

An oppressive demon is just what you are,
but God just allows you to take me so far.
His strength is greater, His promises true,
You're full of lies, cause that's all you can do.

Season of darkness is just what you are,
a season that comes and sets things ajar.
You just can't last long, try as you might,
with each passing season, I get stronger to fight.

I choose the light where you can't exist,
in God's Holy presence there's no hit or miss.
It matters not what methods you employ,
in God's Holy presence there's fullness of Joy!

Season of darkness, it's past time to go,
back to your devilish, hellish abode.
Should in future you choose to bother me more,
expect God's Holy Spirit, to answer the door...

" You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.".... Psalm 16:11
