What is your pearl of great price? A better job? A
new car or truck? A nice vacation? An early retirement? Wealth? Being in great
physical condition? I could go on and on. We all have one. We're all seeking
after something to help us feel fulfilled, satisfied, secure.
There's nothing wrong with any of these things.Many
of them we need today and some even help us and do us good. They are however all
temporal things that will not last.
I was reminded again this week about the brevity of
life and how quickly it passes. I lost a good friend on Sunday, a former
co-worker, school mate, room mate, we had some great and crazy times together.
Those are all memories now. He's gone...
In one of the last conversations I had with him. He
talked about the OT ( overtime) he'd be working on his days off. Of all the
money he was making because of it. There's nothing wrong with making money, but
I wonder if looking back now, if he could, would he have taken a few more days
off and skipped the OT?
Life goes by so quickly. We're all racing around
making a living which we need to do, but what about the part that comes next?
The part that my friend is now experiencing. Are we preparing for
The part that bothers me the most about his passing
is that I was no help to him in preparing for what comes next. As far as I'm
aware anyway. When we were hanging and working together for years, I was no
testimony for the Lord. Quite the opposite actually.
I can only hope now that he read some of the things
I've put on facebook the last couple of years, and that something stuck with
him. Or that someone else told him about Jesus. Only God knows. I don't feel
good about the way I handled that friendship. I knew better but did nothing
directly about it. Would he have listened? I don't know. I'm left wondering now
if I'll see him again one day. I hope I do...
I'm not suggesting there's another way to heaven
except through Jesus Christ, because there isn't. But I take comfort in this
"Far be it from you to do
such a thing—to
kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous
and the wicked alike.
Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do
Jesus will judge all of us one day. He will look at our hearts. He will do what's right.
Jesus is the Pearl of great price. He will last for
forever and we who put our trust and faith in Him, have everything in Him. We
become joint heirs with Christ. Everything he has is ours, and He has
everything. He will never leave us or forsake us. In Him we have complete
security. He's the Sovereign God of the universe who loves us and wants nothing
but the best for us. Why would we run away from that? In God's presence there is
fullness of joy, and, in His joy we find our strength.
What is your pearl of great price?
Let it be Jesus Christ. With Him you gain
everything. Without Him, you gain nothing...
"Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he
had, and bought it.".... Matt 13:46