If ye be down in the mouth and sporting a pout,
life's really too short for all that.
Jump up and down and get rid of that frown,
or maybe just eat some non-fat.
Sometimes it helps to soak in the tub,
it can help much more than ye think.
A little scrub here, a little scrub there,
sure helps to get rid of some stink.
So jump all around turn that frown upside down,
just do whatever it takes.
Life's just too short to be moping about,
and there really is too much at stake.
So this time of year spread ye some cheer,
sing, laugh, and dance all about.
It was this time of year, that Jesus came here,
and that's reason too shout!... and not pout!
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Let's not forget
Let's not forget this time of year,
that Jesus Christ was born.
Let's not forget He humbly came.
He left His glorious home.
Let's not forget He didn't stay,
a babe in manger long,
Let's not forget, He in stature grew,
He lived and did no wrong.
Let's not forget for us He died,
and undeservedly so.
That we may go and be with Him,
throughout forevermore.
Let's not forget He'll soon be back,
this time a babe, won't be.
He's King of Kings and Lord of Lord's
Throughout eternity!
So, let's not forget, though a babe was born,
It's certainly no small thing.
He's Sovereign LORD and Most High GOD.
Come bow before your KING!
that Jesus Christ was born.
Let's not forget He humbly came.
He left His glorious home.
Let's not forget He didn't stay,
a babe in manger long,
Let's not forget, He in stature grew,
He lived and did no wrong.
Let's not forget for us He died,
and undeservedly so.
That we may go and be with Him,
throughout forevermore.
Let's not forget He'll soon be back,
this time a babe, won't be.
He's King of Kings and Lord of Lord's
Throughout eternity!
So, let's not forget, though a babe was born,
It's certainly no small thing.
He's Sovereign LORD and Most High GOD.
Come bow before your KING!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Holiday Season
Tomorrow we get our holiday tree,
Cause the holiday season is here.
Politically correct we must always be,
We must keep our holiday cheer.
Holiday presents and holiday friends,
Holiday madness it just never ends.
Holiday this and holiday that,
And let's not forget the holiday spat.
Holiday pushes and holiday shoves,
A holiday finger or two.
One never knows how each holiday ends,
Most likely with holiday blues.
So this year we'll burn the holiday logs,.
Well into the holiday nights.
We'll try not to say any offensive words,
And not start a political fight.
You may disagree with the stance we take here,
You certainly do have the right.
So I'll say very clear, and start earlier this year,
Merry Christmas to all!.... and good night!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Pearl of great price...
What is your pearl of great price? A better job? A
new car or truck? A nice vacation? An early retirement? Wealth? Being in great
physical condition? I could go on and on. We all have one. We're all seeking
after something to help us feel fulfilled, satisfied, secure.
There's nothing wrong with any of these things.Many
of them we need today and some even help us and do us good. They are however all
temporal things that will not last.
I was reminded again this week about the brevity of
life and how quickly it passes. I lost a good friend on Sunday, a former
co-worker, school mate, room mate, we had some great and crazy times together.
Those are all memories now. He's gone...
In one of the last conversations I had with him. He
talked about the OT ( overtime) he'd be working on his days off. Of all the
money he was making because of it. There's nothing wrong with making money, but
I wonder if looking back now, if he could, would he have taken a few more days
off and skipped the OT?
Life goes by so quickly. We're all racing around
making a living which we need to do, but what about the part that comes next?
The part that my friend is now experiencing. Are we preparing for
The part that bothers me the most about his passing
is that I was no help to him in preparing for what comes next. As far as I'm
aware anyway. When we were hanging and working together for years, I was no
testimony for the Lord. Quite the opposite actually.
I can only hope now that he read some of the things
I've put on facebook the last couple of years, and that something stuck with
him. Or that someone else told him about Jesus. Only God knows. I don't feel
good about the way I handled that friendship. I knew better but did nothing
directly about it. Would he have listened? I don't know. I'm left wondering now
if I'll see him again one day. I hope I do...
I'm not suggesting there's another way to heaven
except through Jesus Christ, because there isn't. But I take comfort in this
"Far be it from you to do
such a thing—to
kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous
and the wicked alike.
Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do
Jesus will judge all of us one day. He will look at our hearts. He will do what's right.
Jesus will judge all of us one day. He will look at our hearts. He will do what's right.
Jesus is the Pearl of great price. He will last for
forever and we who put our trust and faith in Him, have everything in Him. We
become joint heirs with Christ. Everything he has is ours, and He has
everything. He will never leave us or forsake us. In Him we have complete
security. He's the Sovereign God of the universe who loves us and wants nothing
but the best for us. Why would we run away from that? In God's presence there is
fullness of joy, and, in His joy we find our strength.
What is your pearl of great price?
Let it be Jesus Christ. With Him you gain
everything. Without Him, you gain nothing...
"Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he
had, and bought it.".... Matt 13:46
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The great story that could have been...
A forty year old hall of fame goalie brings his team back from a 3-0 series deficit to force a game 7 on home ice. They win the cup! The top prize! What a great story and one for the history books that sports fans would not soon forget! Possibly the goalies last season. What an accomplishment and legacy to leave behind for others to aspire to!
But...it was not to be. It wasn't all the goalies fault though. He had much help from his team mates. A five minute major penalty and 3 goals scored against, and penalty after penalty after that set the stage for another story. Someone else won the top prize. We'll never know how the first story ends because it was never written.
I was thinking about the game afterward and the New Jersey Devils just seemed to have everything stacked against them last night in their 6-1 loss to the L.A. Kings. Congratulations to the Kings for winning their first Stanley cup. They played to win, and win they did and deservedly so.
I had an overwhelming sense that God was speaking to my heart and saying " Now you know a little bit of how I feel when people don't participate in my plans for them. I have the best to offer them. I created them for a specific purpose. I know exactly where they would fit to make the most of their lives. Where they would win the top prize, but they don't involve me in their life plans. I'm forced to watch from the sidelines train wreck after train wreck as they follow other plans for their lives.
Jesus Christ is the Top Prize. There is none greater. Run the race of life for the Kings Cup! A cup that overflows and never runs dry. A fountain of Living water that brings with it rewards for all eternity. Treasures laid up in heaven where rust or moths will never destroy, plus all the help you need from day to day to face whatever comes your way here and now by the Power of the Holy Spirit!
The story is yours to write. Start writing today with "Lord be merciful to me a sinner" and go from there. If your story starts with that, then it will end with rewards for all eternity.
Incorporate His-story into yours. Make sure your story gets remembered. Make sure it gets written in the Lamb's book of Life...
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."... 1 Corinthians 9 : 24
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Pray... because it works
Request... because God hears you
Ask... because God gives
Yearn... because God is present
Expect... because God answers
Remember... because God is faithful, and that He
responds within the parameters of HIS will, not ours...
"But God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer."...Psalm 66:19
"But God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer."...Psalm 66:19
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Patience be a virtue
Patience lets ye bend
But,if ye don't got patience,
Ye not make happy friend.
Patience hard to come by
Patience ain't no fun
But, if ye got no patience
Ye just be on de run
Patience in no hurry
Patience take it's time
But, if ye don't got patience
De mouth does double time
So git yeself some patience
Try relax wee bit
Cause if ye got no patience
Ye take humungous fit!
Patience lets ye bend
But,if ye don't got patience,
Ye not make happy friend.
Patience hard to come by
Patience ain't no fun
But, if ye got no patience
Ye just be on de run
Patience in no hurry
Patience take it's time
But, if ye don't got patience
De mouth does double time
So git yeself some patience
Try relax wee bit
Cause if ye got no patience
Ye take humungous fit!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The rich man and Lazarus
“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and
lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named
Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich
man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
“The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
“He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”...Luke 6:19-31
This is not a story about the rich and the poor. Or, that rich people go to hell and poor to heaven. That would be ridiculous. There's much more to this story than I can fathom, I'm sure. What I'll say will be simple, because I'm a simple guy. I'll leave the scholarly unpacking to the scholar.
This is a story told by Jesus. Jesus believes in Hades (Hell). He talked often about it in Scripture. He died and rose again, so we wouldn't have to end up there. So... He thinks it's an important subject.
This is also a story we see playing out today all around us. People living it up with seemingly not a care in the world, just because they have a few dollars in their bank accounts.
Just like the rich man and his brothers, people everywhere aren't listening to the watchmen on the walls. They're being warned continually about what's coming. They had Moses and the prophets to listen to. People today, especially in North America, have no excuse. The Truth is being preached from many pulpits,(not all pulpits, but many), tv & radio stations, internet, blogs, facebook accounts, twitter, etc, etc. But, they don't listen. I'm convinced just as Jesus said that "even if one returned from the dead, they would not listen". They'd just explain it all away with their self-proclaimed intellect. After all, the Bible is just an outdated man-written book anyway, they think.
It's a shame, because there's a world of hurt coming to all those who have rejected Jesus for the temporary fulfillment this world has to offer. Or, they've become steeped in religious activity and gospel of good works, rather than faith in the finished work of the Crucified and Risen Christ. You think the Bible is a man-made book of fairy tales. You think that because you don't believe it, read about it or hear it, you'll have that as an excuse if and when you stand before God. You're wrong, and you're believing the lies of Satan. You'll be held accountable for what you COULD have known...had you the will to listen.
"For He(God) says, 'In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation."... 2 Corinthians 6:2
The time is now! Don't be like the rich man who waited until it was too late. He was more concerned with the gifts, than the Giver of all gifts. This is for all the marbles; there's too much to lose and everything to gain. Time is getting short.
Accept Jesus while He may be found. He doesn't want your money and you won't turn into a weirdo. He wants all of you so you can become all you were meant to be when He created you. You won't be a wimp or turn into a goody two shoes like you've been led to believe. You won't have to wear a robe and sandals and walk around with a pious look on your face. You won't need to don sackcloth and ashes. You'll just be loved and forgiven and have peace of mind about where you'll spend eternity. You'll have someone to do life with. Someone who will never leave or forsake you.
A simple prayer of "LORD save me!" will suffice if it's genuine, and comes from a repentant heart. He'll know. You won't fool Him. He only wants you and a relationship with you, and for you to glorify Him in all that you do. Give your life to Jesus so He can live and work through you to tell others of His love for them. He doesn't promise life will be easy. You will face rejection just as He did. He does promise to see you through whatever comes your way though. And...the retirement benefits are out of this world, lasting forever! The Bible says so! I believe it!
Today is the day of salvation...Don't put if off!
“The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
“He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”...Luke 6:19-31
This is not a story about the rich and the poor. Or, that rich people go to hell and poor to heaven. That would be ridiculous. There's much more to this story than I can fathom, I'm sure. What I'll say will be simple, because I'm a simple guy. I'll leave the scholarly unpacking to the scholar.
This is a story told by Jesus. Jesus believes in Hades (Hell). He talked often about it in Scripture. He died and rose again, so we wouldn't have to end up there. So... He thinks it's an important subject.
This is also a story we see playing out today all around us. People living it up with seemingly not a care in the world, just because they have a few dollars in their bank accounts.
Just like the rich man and his brothers, people everywhere aren't listening to the watchmen on the walls. They're being warned continually about what's coming. They had Moses and the prophets to listen to. People today, especially in North America, have no excuse. The Truth is being preached from many pulpits,(not all pulpits, but many), tv & radio stations, internet, blogs, facebook accounts, twitter, etc, etc. But, they don't listen. I'm convinced just as Jesus said that "even if one returned from the dead, they would not listen". They'd just explain it all away with their self-proclaimed intellect. After all, the Bible is just an outdated man-written book anyway, they think.
It's a shame, because there's a world of hurt coming to all those who have rejected Jesus for the temporary fulfillment this world has to offer. Or, they've become steeped in religious activity and gospel of good works, rather than faith in the finished work of the Crucified and Risen Christ. You think the Bible is a man-made book of fairy tales. You think that because you don't believe it, read about it or hear it, you'll have that as an excuse if and when you stand before God. You're wrong, and you're believing the lies of Satan. You'll be held accountable for what you COULD have known...had you the will to listen.
"For He(God) says, 'In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation."... 2 Corinthians 6:2
The time is now! Don't be like the rich man who waited until it was too late. He was more concerned with the gifts, than the Giver of all gifts. This is for all the marbles; there's too much to lose and everything to gain. Time is getting short.
Accept Jesus while He may be found. He doesn't want your money and you won't turn into a weirdo. He wants all of you so you can become all you were meant to be when He created you. You won't be a wimp or turn into a goody two shoes like you've been led to believe. You won't have to wear a robe and sandals and walk around with a pious look on your face. You won't need to don sackcloth and ashes. You'll just be loved and forgiven and have peace of mind about where you'll spend eternity. You'll have someone to do life with. Someone who will never leave or forsake you.
A simple prayer of "LORD save me!" will suffice if it's genuine, and comes from a repentant heart. He'll know. You won't fool Him. He only wants you and a relationship with you, and for you to glorify Him in all that you do. Give your life to Jesus so He can live and work through you to tell others of His love for them. He doesn't promise life will be easy. You will face rejection just as He did. He does promise to see you through whatever comes your way though. And...the retirement benefits are out of this world, lasting forever! The Bible says so! I believe it!
Today is the day of salvation...Don't put if off!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Mothers Day!
Mothers we all know are a special breed,
They're often found tending someone in need.
Mothers we all have in one way or another,
And yes, they'll stand by you, more so than a brother.
Mothers like everything come in all stripes,
Some good and some bad, some playing bagpipes.
They grow old too soon, and their clothes often clash,
But that's not so bad, it helps mask their moustache.
So if you have a mother, and I'm quite sure you do,
Just think of the many things she's done for you.
The love and devotion and all that attention,
So on Mothers Day, the moustache don't mention!
Happy Mothers Day Ma!
They're often found tending someone in need.
Mothers we all have in one way or another,
And yes, they'll stand by you, more so than a brother.
Mothers like everything come in all stripes,
Some good and some bad, some playing bagpipes.
They grow old too soon, and their clothes often clash,
But that's not so bad, it helps mask their moustache.
So if you have a mother, and I'm quite sure you do,
Just think of the many things she's done for you.
The love and devotion and all that attention,
So on Mothers Day, the moustache don't mention!
Happy Mothers Day Ma!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
You're loved always
It matters not what people think,
some say you're great, others say you stink.
It matters not what they might say,
carpe diem, just seize the day.
In God's image, we've all been made,
a plan for all of us He's laid.
Some plans are big, and some are small,
but we're all needed, one and all.
So if by chance you be feeling low,
get on your knees and before God go.
He'll whisper this any nights or days,
Fret not my child, you're loved always...
some say you're great, others say you stink.
It matters not what they might say,
carpe diem, just seize the day.
In God's image, we've all been made,
a plan for all of us He's laid.
Some plans are big, and some are small,
but we're all needed, one and all.
So if by chance you be feeling low,
get on your knees and before God go.
He'll whisper this any nights or days,
Fret not my child, you're loved always...
I once
I once had dark hair now it's gray,
I once helped someone bring in their hay,
I once even thought I'd run away.
I once had firm teeth now they're loose,
I once even tried to shoot a goose.
I once could see but now for naught,
I once was stealth but now get caught.
I once had muscle now it's all fat,
I once worked out, so much for that.
I once had abs but now they're gone,
I once almost even wrote a song.
I once could run and jump about,
I once could even raise a shout.
I once thought I'd have all the time,
I once a mountain almost did climb.
I once thought there'd be lots to do,
I once even heard a cow go moooo.
I once was thin but now I'm round,
I once was lost but now I'm found.
I once thought there was no point,
I once had my big nose way out of joint.
I once didn't think I could be made new,
I once found Jesus and now I do.
I once thought this poem would never end,
I once thought some steel I'd like to bend.
I once thought I'd bid you all adieu,
I once thought all this, while on the loo...
Monday, April 23, 2012
I spent some time with God today
I spent some time with God today,
the time was very well spent.
We sorted out at least one thing,
The time just came and went.
I asked Him why so many,
just won't heed His call.
He said, they just can't see,
the writing on the wall.
Satan has them blinded,
and if they would only see.
They'd throw aside all his lies,
come running straight to me.
I have done all I can for them,
So I can do no more.
I sacrificed my sinless Son,
He is the open door.
I said I felt discouraged,
it's as if they've all gone deaf.
He said my son don't worry,
there's many out there yet.
The harvest will be plenty,
and some just won't be reached.
They'd rather live their lives in sin,
than hear the Gospel preached.
So just keep putting out my Word,
and let it point the way.
Some will hear, and some steer clear,
and some come home to stay...
"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear".....2 Timothy 4: 2-3
the time was very well spent.
We sorted out at least one thing,
The time just came and went.
I asked Him why so many,
just won't heed His call.
He said, they just can't see,
the writing on the wall.
Satan has them blinded,
and if they would only see.
They'd throw aside all his lies,
come running straight to me.
I have done all I can for them,
So I can do no more.
I sacrificed my sinless Son,
He is the open door.
I said I felt discouraged,
it's as if they've all gone deaf.
He said my son don't worry,
there's many out there yet.
The harvest will be plenty,
and some just won't be reached.
They'd rather live their lives in sin,
than hear the Gospel preached.
So just keep putting out my Word,
and let it point the way.
Some will hear, and some steer clear,
and some come home to stay...
"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear".....2 Timothy 4: 2-3
Sunday, April 22, 2012
That trumpet you'll soon hear blow...
Wake up! wake up! the time is near.
The Lord is coming soon.
Get ready to meet Him in the air,
Could be midday, night or noon.
One day that trumpet's gonna blow,
And only the saved will hear.
Come up hither, Jesus will say,
That day is very near.
It matters not you don't believe,
It will happen anyway.
It matters not the plans you've weaved,
DO NOT miss that day!
Position, fortune, prestige or fame,
Won't matter in the least.
It's what you've done with Jesus Christ,
Your ticket to the feast.
The marriage supper of the Lamb,
You DO NOT want to miss.
To rule and reign with Jesus Christ,
A future of heavenly bliss.
So set your sights on things above,
The time is very near.
Don't miss the best that is to come,
And settle for less that's here.
If you don't know Jesus as LORD,
Your Savior He can be.
But, turn your back, laugh and scoff,
You're on your own you see.
For God is Holy, we are not,
In His presence we can't stand.
Unless with Jesus we enter in,
We're up the creek! Understand?
Just ask Him in to cleanse your sin,
Your heart, He'll make it glow.
People around will see you change,
And, that trumpet? You'll soon hear blow!
The Lord is coming soon.
Get ready to meet Him in the air,
Could be midday, night or noon.
One day that trumpet's gonna blow,
And only the saved will hear.
Come up hither, Jesus will say,
That day is very near.
It matters not you don't believe,
It will happen anyway.
It matters not the plans you've weaved,
DO NOT miss that day!
Position, fortune, prestige or fame,
Won't matter in the least.
It's what you've done with Jesus Christ,
Your ticket to the feast.
The marriage supper of the Lamb,
You DO NOT want to miss.
To rule and reign with Jesus Christ,
A future of heavenly bliss.
So set your sights on things above,
The time is very near.
Don't miss the best that is to come,
And settle for less that's here.
If you don't know Jesus as LORD,
Your Savior He can be.
But, turn your back, laugh and scoff,
You're on your own you see.
For God is Holy, we are not,
In His presence we can't stand.
Unless with Jesus we enter in,
We're up the creek! Understand?
Just ask Him in to cleanse your sin,
Your heart, He'll make it glow.
People around will see you change,
And, that trumpet? You'll soon hear blow!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Prayer for my friend George
Dear Father in heaven, I pray for George,
His problems many, but you're his source.
For healing now I humbly ask,
And in Your Power he fully bask.
I know You're Sovereign, and reign on high,
I know you won't stand idly by.
I ask that You would intervene,
And show Your Power through heart healing.
And Father also, if I may,
His kidneys heal too I pray.
And in Your Grace he'd quietly rest,
Knowing full well that you know best.
You say we have not, cause we don't ask.
So I'll not let this chance go past.
We know Your will we cannot change,
There's purpose in it, though it seem strange.
So Father please raise George to strength,
That his hospital stay decrease in length.
And when he leaves the ward he's in,
There'll be no reason to go back in.
In Jesus name....Amen
His problems many, but you're his source.
For healing now I humbly ask,
And in Your Power he fully bask.
I know You're Sovereign, and reign on high,
I know you won't stand idly by.
I ask that You would intervene,
And show Your Power through heart healing.
And Father also, if I may,
His kidneys heal too I pray.
And in Your Grace he'd quietly rest,
Knowing full well that you know best.
You say we have not, cause we don't ask.
So I'll not let this chance go past.
We know Your will we cannot change,
There's purpose in it, though it seem strange.
So Father please raise George to strength,
That his hospital stay decrease in length.
And when he leaves the ward he's in,
There'll be no reason to go back in.
In Jesus name....Amen
It doesn't matter you might say...
It doesn't matter you might say,
We'll all be in heaven anyway.
But that's not true, and I'll tell you why,
That's just why Jesus came to die.
You see, God is a Holy being,
That's a fact we may not be seeing.
Man by nature, has sinful plans,
And in God's presence, man can't stand.
The difference is as night and day,
You turn light on, dark flees away.
It's not about just being good,
And living like we think we should.
God is Holy, and we too must be,
That's why Christ died for you and me.
His blood was shed to pay sins price,
Accept Him now, that's good advice.
His Holiness will cover us so,
Our sins forgiven, we will know.
And God the Father on Judgment day,
Will see Jesus only, and judgment stay.
Just call out " LORD", "Please save me now",
In Your presence, I humbly bow.
Repent and turn from sinful ways,
And let Christ Jesus, plan your days.
A bed of roses it may not be,
But in His strength you'll always see.
Your future glory in heaven one day,
Makes earthly trials just fade away...
We'll all be in heaven anyway.
But that's not true, and I'll tell you why,
That's just why Jesus came to die.
You see, God is a Holy being,
That's a fact we may not be seeing.
Man by nature, has sinful plans,
And in God's presence, man can't stand.
The difference is as night and day,
You turn light on, dark flees away.
It's not about just being good,
And living like we think we should.
God is Holy, and we too must be,
That's why Christ died for you and me.
His blood was shed to pay sins price,
Accept Him now, that's good advice.
His Holiness will cover us so,
Our sins forgiven, we will know.
And God the Father on Judgment day,
Will see Jesus only, and judgment stay.
Just call out " LORD", "Please save me now",
In Your presence, I humbly bow.
Repent and turn from sinful ways,
And let Christ Jesus, plan your days.
A bed of roses it may not be,
But in His strength you'll always see.
Your future glory in heaven one day,
Makes earthly trials just fade away...
There was a man from Timbucktoo
There was a man from Timbucktoo,
Saved a few cents, from much to do.
He said, you know, I have much wealth,
I only need to keep my health.
This Jesus stuff, is for the lame,
A crutch you know, for the insane.
I have no need for this stuff now,
My bank account is my cash cow.
I'll take my leave, put my feet up,
With wealthy only, will I sup.
The poor, themselves for, can look out,
Or with Jesus maybe, hang about.
Then one day the bad news came,
His money gone, his health was lame.
This Jesus stuff, didn't look so bad,
If only some of it he'd had.
Don't be a fool, things happen fast,
Temporal things, they will not last.
So call on Jesus, while He is near,
And, that account won't disappear...
c. mcgrath
Saved a few cents, from much to do.
He said, you know, I have much wealth,
I only need to keep my health.
This Jesus stuff, is for the lame,
A crutch you know, for the insane.
I have no need for this stuff now,
My bank account is my cash cow.
I'll take my leave, put my feet up,
With wealthy only, will I sup.
The poor, themselves for, can look out,
Or with Jesus maybe, hang about.
Then one day the bad news came,
His money gone, his health was lame.
This Jesus stuff, didn't look so bad,
If only some of it he'd had.
Don't be a fool, things happen fast,
Temporal things, they will not last.
So call on Jesus, while He is near,
And, that account won't disappear...
c. mcgrath
I know in whom I will believe
I know in whom I will believe,
It's not Tom, Dick, Harry, or even Steve.
He's one who's faithful through and through,
Who loves us all, yes, even You!
So, if by chance you need a friend,
There's one who's with you, to the end.
And, if by chance you should fall,
All you need do, is on Him call.
His name is Jesus, He's my friend,
He's my LORD and Savior to no end.
And when this life is lived and gone,
I'll jump for joy, singing heaven's song.
Eternity is coming fast,
Only what's done for Christ will last.
If you don't know Him, please don't wait,
Without Him, you can't pass heaven's gate.
Believe in Jesus, God in flesh,
Renew your soul, and live afresh.
And one day soon, you'll see Him too,
The one who died and bled for you...
It's not Tom, Dick, Harry, or even Steve.
He's one who's faithful through and through,
Who loves us all, yes, even You!
So, if by chance you need a friend,
There's one who's with you, to the end.
And, if by chance you should fall,
All you need do, is on Him call.
His name is Jesus, He's my friend,
He's my LORD and Savior to no end.
And when this life is lived and gone,
I'll jump for joy, singing heaven's song.
Eternity is coming fast,
Only what's done for Christ will last.
If you don't know Him, please don't wait,
Without Him, you can't pass heaven's gate.
Believe in Jesus, God in flesh,
Renew your soul, and live afresh.
And one day soon, you'll see Him too,
The one who died and bled for you...
So... You don't smoke, dance or chew?

If you don't smoke, dance or chew
And, you don't hang with those that do.
If you're just seen with a select few,
You'll need a boot in your ole whazoo.
Christ's coming was at very great cost,
He told us GO, and reach the lost.
Not sit inside and warm a pew,
And look down our nose at most things new.
We must get off our royal duff,
Go out and do some meaningful stuff.
There are people everywhere we go,
That need our lights inside to show.
People everywhere need grace,
Mercy too, is quite displaced.
So go out now, get in the race,
And put a smile on that scowling face.
While you don't smoke, dance or chew,
Those who do, are very much like you.
Expand your influence, try anew,
And save a boot to your ole whazoo...
Sunday, January 8, 2012
I've got the best news, but I'm not telling you...
"I've got the best news, but I'm not telling you."...
That's what every Christian is really saying when they fail to tell others about the Good News of Jesus Christ when opportunities present themselves. In all fairness though, it's not an easy thing to do these days. It seems that unless someone has hit rock bottom they just don't want to hear it.
They don't want to hear that Jesus died for them. They don't want to hear that their sin debt has been paid in full. They don't want to hear that God only wants the best for them and that He has a plan and a purpose for their lives. They don't want to hear that the Creator of all things knows better than they do as to why they even exist and what He created them for. They don't want to hear it because they're doing ok. They don't need God, or so they think. They have money, education, jobs, comfort, luxury, food, housing, clothing, limited security, they have their own plans and purpose...and so on.
I certainly don't have all the answers, apart from praying that God would intervene and open their eyes so they can see they really don't have it all figured out. So they can see there is Someone out there bigger than they, who controls all things, including their futures. Someone they need to take very seriously. His name being Jesus.
Affluence is one of the greatest robbers of Spiritual hunger, there is no doubt. And, I'm not saying it's wrong to be wealthy. Some seem quite able to handle it correctly and use it wisely. But, for some reason, most of us when we have money we think we have it made. We swell with pride and think we need nothing else. We can buy our own way, thank you very much.
As Christians we can only tell others the Good News. We can't save them. It's not our job. It is our job to tell them though.
When the Holy Spirit guides us to speak up, that's what we're to do. When He tells us to shut up, that's what we're to do. He knows when it's best to speak, when someone is prepared and ready to hear.
So, in a nut shell, that's what we need to do. Speak and move when the Spirit says so.
If I had all the money in the world and if I lived in absolute luxury for 150 years (which no has done yet as far as I know), what would that be in comparison to eternity? Forever and ever in perfect paradise with God Himself!
I'd rather lay up treasure where thieves can't break in and moths can't destroy, in heaven. What could possibly compare to being joint heirs with Jesus Christ who created everything and owns it all? Nothing compares, nothing at all.
The day is coming and is fast approaching when each of us will stand before God. He's not going to ask us how much money we made or how many good things we've done. He's going to ask us " What did you do with my Son Jesus?"
So Christian, listen for the Spirit's leading and act when He says so. People's eternal destinies are depending on it, whether they know it or like it, or not...
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.... Matthew 6 :19-20
That's what every Christian is really saying when they fail to tell others about the Good News of Jesus Christ when opportunities present themselves. In all fairness though, it's not an easy thing to do these days. It seems that unless someone has hit rock bottom they just don't want to hear it.
They don't want to hear that Jesus died for them. They don't want to hear that their sin debt has been paid in full. They don't want to hear that God only wants the best for them and that He has a plan and a purpose for their lives. They don't want to hear that the Creator of all things knows better than they do as to why they even exist and what He created them for. They don't want to hear it because they're doing ok. They don't need God, or so they think. They have money, education, jobs, comfort, luxury, food, housing, clothing, limited security, they have their own plans and purpose...and so on.
I certainly don't have all the answers, apart from praying that God would intervene and open their eyes so they can see they really don't have it all figured out. So they can see there is Someone out there bigger than they, who controls all things, including their futures. Someone they need to take very seriously. His name being Jesus.
Affluence is one of the greatest robbers of Spiritual hunger, there is no doubt. And, I'm not saying it's wrong to be wealthy. Some seem quite able to handle it correctly and use it wisely. But, for some reason, most of us when we have money we think we have it made. We swell with pride and think we need nothing else. We can buy our own way, thank you very much.
As Christians we can only tell others the Good News. We can't save them. It's not our job. It is our job to tell them though.
When the Holy Spirit guides us to speak up, that's what we're to do. When He tells us to shut up, that's what we're to do. He knows when it's best to speak, when someone is prepared and ready to hear.
So, in a nut shell, that's what we need to do. Speak and move when the Spirit says so.
If I had all the money in the world and if I lived in absolute luxury for 150 years (which no has done yet as far as I know), what would that be in comparison to eternity? Forever and ever in perfect paradise with God Himself!
I'd rather lay up treasure where thieves can't break in and moths can't destroy, in heaven. What could possibly compare to being joint heirs with Jesus Christ who created everything and owns it all? Nothing compares, nothing at all.
The day is coming and is fast approaching when each of us will stand before God. He's not going to ask us how much money we made or how many good things we've done. He's going to ask us " What did you do with my Son Jesus?"
So Christian, listen for the Spirit's leading and act when He says so. People's eternal destinies are depending on it, whether they know it or like it, or not...
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.... Matthew 6 :19-20
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