"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Prayer for all Seasons, A Prayer for all Weather

January, 2011

A Prayer for all Seasons, A Prayer for all Weather:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Forgive us for our “fairweather” joy and faithfulness, that is so easily up and down and as changeable as the weather. But thank You that You have compassion on us, and remember that we are “dust”. You understand our human frailty perfectly because You made us and know exactly what “makes us tick”. You know how easily we are affected by our environment, and how desperately we need You! And thank You that not only do You know us and understand us because You are the all-wise, all-knowing, omnipotent Creator of all, but also because You took on skin and entered the human race Yourself for a while. So You have personal experience of what it’s like to be a human being in this fallen world! Thank You so much Lord Jesus, that You can identify with us………

When the sun shines and it’s a beautiful day, help us to rejoice and be thankful, not just for its beauty and warmth that You have created, but for You. May we be reminded that the sun is merely a pale reflection of Your infinite glory, and may we rejoice in You!

When it’s a grey and dreary day and we can’t see the sun, help us to remember that You are still there, shining as gloriously as ever, even if we can’t see You or feel You at the moment. May we thank You and rejoice that You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You never change! May we keep turning to You in repentance and trust, and bask in the light and warmth of Your love.

When the rain comes, may we be reminded of Your faithfulness, and that You always provide what we need to grow and flourish, both physically and spiritually. May we thank You for the refreshing rains of Your grace, the Living Water of Your Spirit that You pour out on us to fill us and flow through us to refresh others!

When it’s dark and stormy and scary, may we be reminded of Your infinite power and sovereignty, and that You are always in control, doing what is best according to Your infinite wisdom, unfailing love, and perfect righteousness. May we cling to You and rejoice that You are our Solid Rock and Anchor, and always strong and safe Shelter. May we rest and trust in You alone! (Thank You that the wind and the waves obey You!)

When it snows and we see the beauty of a white blanket covering the earth, may we be reminded of Your purity, and of the blood Jesus shed to wash us white as snow. May we repent and rejoice in Your forgiveness and cleansing! (And when the snow in the city turns grey and gross and dirty, may we remember that we continually need your grace to keep us clean!!)

When the wind is cold and bitter and winter seems to never end……or when it’s so hot and humid we think we can’t stand it a moment longer…….please forgive our complaining and help us remember that as surely as the seasons change, You will keep Your promise to return, King Jesus, and one day we and all creation will be restored to the fullness of Your original intention. Amen, come Lord Jesus!!

When it’s so foggy we can barely see anything, may we give thanks that You are the Light of the world and have overcome the domain of darkness! May we take Your hand and walk by faith. May we shine as lights in the darkness for others, because You have shone Your Light in our hearts.

When it is icy, please teach us to be careful. What is sparkly and dazzling can also be deceptively dangerous, destructive and deadly, and can so easily trip us up. Help us to choose every step wisely, avoiding the “slippery slope” of sin, and walking confidently in the footsteps of our Good Shepherd, who always leads us safely in paths of righteousness.

When it is slushy and messy, or muddy and yucky, may we remember and rejoice that You were not reluctant to enter the mess of our world to rescue us!! Thank You, Lord Jesus! (We love You, because You have loved us first!)

In Jesus’ precious and holy, strong and matchless Name we pray….. with thanksgiving, Amen.

Jane. E. McGrath