"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Straining toward what is ahead...

It never ceases to amaze me how I can read a scripture over and over sometimes for years, and then one day it just comes alive! I see something I never saw before. Proof I believe, that the Word of God is truly alive, and meets us when and where we need it. Reading this morning I came across Phil 3:13-14

 " Brothers, I do not as yet consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

What struck me this morning were the words "straining toward " and " press on." Words that imply it won't be an easy thing to do.
Paul didn't say I stroll toward what is ahead or cruise toward the goal to win the prize. He's implying that it takes work.
I remember one time back in my motorcycle days on Vancouver Island, I had my Yamaha Venture 1200 out in the back yard getting ready to take it for a run. One of my feet slipped in the gravel and it started to go over, all 700+ pounds of it. Not wanting to scratch the paint on it, I strained with everything I had to get it back upright. I did manage to do it, but I had to go sit down for 20 minutes afterward because my legs were shaking so badly. It literally took everything I had out of me to do it...I learned the meaning of straining that day!

It takes a great deal of effort also, for me to break free from the sinful nature I was born with, and to follow in the way the LORD would have me go. It's not a "cake walk". It's hard work. I'm thankful I have a God who will give me a hand to press on though. He promises me so in Isaiah 41:10...

" So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

Thank-you LORD!

Friday, January 29, 2010


This week our small group lesson subject was on having a thankful attitude. It's hard to keep a subject like thankfulness simple. Being thankful isn't always easy, but it's always nescessary. God's word says;
" Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thess 5:18.

That's a pretty tall order.  Give thanks in all circumstances. How do the victims of the earthquake in Haiti give thanks? How does a woman just receiving word she has breast cancer again, give thanks? How does someone who's just lost a loved one give thanks? Someone who's lost a job? Or, lost their home in a fire?

 We know God always has purpose in everything He does. He doesn't waste anything. He's perfect in all His ways. Trials and hardships, if nothing else, give us opportunity to draw nearer to God the Father. A chance to crawl up on His knee and let Him wrap His loving arms around us. We can always be thankful that God is faithful and trustworthy, no matter what. The trial will not be pleasant but drawing nearer to God is always rewarding. "Come near to God and He will come near to you..." James 4:8
There's a lot that could be said about this subject, but I believe it really boils down to us making the proper choice.
 Choosing to be thankful will give us a positive outlook, letting us rise above our circumstance, giving us greater vision of what's happening. A negative, ungrateful attitude can only bring negativity, bitterness, self pity and possibly depression.
I believe the former to be the better, though much more difficult choice. LORD, help me to remember to choose to be thankful in all circumstances.

" Gratitude is the attitude that sets the altitude for living".... James MacDonald. An allusive but worthy goal  to shoot for....

" Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." Colossians 3:15

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Complain, Complain, Complain...

Our small group began a new series this week called "LORD change my attitude" by Dr James MacDonald. The subject of the first lesson was............. "Complaining"

My notes are scanty and memory even worse, but I'll jot down what I can remember, before I forget it...

One quote that I remember went something like this: " If murmuring is your lifestyle, then the wilderness will be your home".
Complaining is sin:
Spoken or unspoken. We can hold our tongue and say nothing, but still complain in our hearts. God looks at the heart.
God hears our complaining:
"How long will this wicked nation complain about me. I have heard everything the Israelites have been saying" Numbers 14:27
God hates our complaining:
" Moses heard all the families standing in front of their tents weeping, and the LORD became very angry. Moses also was very aggravated." Numbers 11:10
God judges our complaining:
After Moses had interceded for the Israelites, the Lord decided against destroying them all outright and starting over.
Instead He told them, " You will all die here in the wilderness! Because you have complained against me, none of you who are 20 years old or older, or were counted in the census will enter the land I swore to give you." Numbers 14: 29-30.

 Complaining and unbelief, cost a whole generation of Israelites, very dearly. They never got to see the promised land that God said was their's for the taking.
I can be a complainer too. I'm no different then the Israelites. Time after time, blessing after blessing, I never seem to be satisfied for very long. Instead of seeing what the LORD has provided already, I always seem to focus on what I don't have, or what I think I need. Complaining robs me of Joy, leaving me in a "wilderness" of unhappiness and unthankfulness. After all, how can I be happy if I'm not content or satisfied? It might be time for me to think twice before complaining, there's a lot at stake it seems...wildernesses are generally not very favorable places... " Do everything without complaining or arguing "   Philippians 2:14

 Father God, please forgive my selfish complaining attitude. Help me to focus on You and Your more than ample provision, not on my childish, selfish wants. Help me to especially remember your Son Jesus, who died a horrible death on my account and never complained at all... Thank-you Jesus.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How could a loving God do this?

"How can a loving God create someone knowing full well they will reject Him and spend eternity in hell?"

 This question threw me for a loop this week. I didn't have an answer, but I knew I would need to settle it, at least in my own mind.  It's a tough one. I like to keep things simple so I won't go into all the discussion this question raised in our small group. No matter how we looked at it, it seems to be a question that only eternity and God can reveal.
I got up this morning and googled the question and through that process came across another blog which pointed me in the direction of Romans chapter 9.

Romans 9 puts it to rest for me.

It falls under the Sovereign freedom of God to do as He pleases, with whom He pleases, and it's not for us to question why. I know, that's not an answer many will accept.
It's a question we really have no business asking because in essence it tries to make God accountable to man. God doesn't answer to us. We answer to Him.

"But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, "Why did you make me like this?" Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" Romans 9 : 20-21

Paul isn't saying we shouldn't ever ask God why. He's speaking to the people who would question with a God-defying attitude trying to make Him answerable to man.Those who would try to bring God down to our level where He can be understood, undermining His character and Sovereignty.

This is a question that can be debated till all involved are literally blue in the face. I'm a simple man who needs simple answers. We know God to be Perfect, Holy and Just. For me, it will fall under God's Sovereign freedom to do as He pleases. He is perfect in nature and therefore makes no mistakes.

"He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He." Deuteronomy 32:4

".....Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Gen 18:25

That will be my answer should it ever come up again....I'm leaving it right there.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So... want to follow in the steps of the Rabbi?

Our small group watched a couple segments in the series " In the steps of the Rabbi " tonight. I found it to be quite challenging.  Some questions I was left asking myself...

Do I want to learn of Jesus's teachings so bad that's all I can think about? Do I wake up in the morning and Jesus is the first thing on my mind? Do I run to my Bible and read incessantly trying to glean every bit of wisdom from what He had to say in His word? Do I model my life after His example?

How about His compassion and His love for others? He'd sit down to eat with anyone, even all the undesirables of society. Could I do that? What about His humility? Always putting other's needs first. Then there's the total forgiveness He extended to everyone, especially those who were murdering Him on the cross! "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Could I do that?
Do I value the things of this world more than the things of His world? Am I willing to sacrifice my comfort to accomplish His will for my life?
Am I willing to die to do His will? He gave up His life for all of us! Could I give up my life for anyone? How would I do with people slapping me in the face or spitting on me? What about being falsely accused and laughed at? How about being tied to a whipping post and having the flesh whipped off my body? What about having a crown of thorns jammed onto my head? How about handfuls of my beard ripped out? Spikes driven through my hands and feet? Could I do a 40 day fast in the wilderness? Would I like to be thrown into prison? How would I like to be totally abandoned by my friends in my time of greatest need?

I don't think I'd make a very good "disciple" in the true sense of the word. Oh ... I go to church on Sunday and attend a couple small groups through the week, but I have to admit that being a true disciple of Jesus is not for the faint of heart. It's not anything I could do in my own strength that's for certain.

 But you know what? I believe He'd help me if I had the guts to try... Simply because of the fact that He chose us...and He knows what we're capable of if we'd only trust Him to work in and through us.

" To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps." 1 Peter 2:21

So... Want to follow in the steps of the Rabbi?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The people of Haiti are in desperate need of prayer and any financial help we can send them. The reports are still coming in after a massive 7.0 earthquake and looking grim all around. Some reports of possibly thousands dead. Collateral damage everywhere.
There is a missionary organization there with connections to our home church Auburn Bible Chapel, through the Rodin family here in Peterborough called Seeds of  Hope. The website is http://www.seedsofhopeministries.ca/. Please support them if you can. Even a small amount will help.

Father I pray for the people in Haiti whose situation I'm sure is desperate in many circumstances. I pray that relief efforts will not be in vain or hindered in any way. I pray that You will make a way, where there is no way. That people get help and provisions as soon as humanly possible. I pray that much attention will come to this tiny nation concerning its poverty and the aids epidemic that has ravaged the country. I pray that the forces of evil eveloping this nation(voodoo) be broken and be replaced by the saving Grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. I pray that many will call on Jesus' name in this time of tragedy, and see much tangible evidence of His wonderful, loving, caring  power and come to a  saving knowledge of Him.
I don't question why Father. It's futile to do so.We know there is purpose in all things. We know you have allowed this to happen for some reason. Your ways are above and beyond ours. We probably wouldn't understand anyway if you did tell us why...
I just lift these people up to you now LORD. Many will be hurting with broken bones and in pain. Many have lost loved ones and have broken hearts. Many have lost virtually everything including hope.
Father God please heal this tiny nation's brokenness as only You can.
In Jesus' name I pray.

"The LORD is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Leave tomorrow where it belongs

"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring about its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today" Matt 6:34

I wonder what life would look like if we lived that way? Shutting the door to the past and future and just living the day that's set before us. Living life in one day compartments.Matt 6:27 says, " Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not".

I'm reminded of the children of Israel in the wilderness when they gathered manna each day. They were only to gather enough for each day, any extra would go rotten. The LORD was teaching them that he was their provider, and that He could be trusted. Or how He fed Elijah in the wilderness causing ravens to bring him food. Or how the widow's jar of flour and jug of oil miraculously kept producing during a time of drought. He's the same God for us today.
So, why do we strive and worry and fret about tomorrow when God has proven himself faithful over and over again?
I believe it comes back to giving control of our lives over to the one who knows us far better than we know ourselves. It comes back to unbelief. God created us for purpose. He knows why He created us and He knows what we need to carry out His purpose.
"And He will give you all you need from day to day if you will live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern" Matt 6: 33

LORD please, forgive my unbelief and help me to trust that your way is always best!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Worried or Unsatisfied?

The first line of Psalm 23 puts it all in perpective for me. " The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want."

A shepherd protects and provides for his flock. He also retrieves and cares for the lost. If the God of the universe is providing for me, I should probably be satisfied with what I have.
If he is protecting me and has my best interest at heart I should have no worries either. The same Lord that King David wrote this psalm about is the same Lord that looks out for us. Can it really be that simple? I believe it can.
We only need to trust the Lord our shepherd. Is that easy to do? No, because it's not easy for us to give up the control we think we have over our lives, to trust the Lord's omniscience. Is it necessary that we do it? Absolutely!
Will I worry again? Probably. Will I complain again? No doubt before the night is out! Will I have an excuse to do either?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


 Sitting here at the computer today I noticed a Bible verse I have taped up on the desk. It's from Jeremiah 29:11, one of my favorite verses.
" For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
That verse gives me so much comfort and peace and comes to mind often.Thank you LORD!
Just thought I'd pass it along...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A little about me and my personal testimony

I'm in my fifties with a worn out back. I'm a little rough around the edges and not much for small talk. Never have been. I'm married to an amazing, beautiful, God loving woman. I have 5 children and 8 grandchildren. I was born in Ottawa, raised in Nova Scotia, spent 13 years living on the west coast on Vancouver Island in the rain, and am coming up on 11 years here in Peterborough. Time is flying by!

I've worked in logging, manufacturing, retail, and mining and hold journeyman mechanic qualifications in heavy equipment.

I enjoy outdoor things like boating, camping, fishing and hunting on rare occasions. Not so much hunting anymore, but that could change! I like trucks, trips to Florida, the East and West coasts of Canada. I love dogs. We have two very "vicious" shih-tzu boys. They're our babies.

 In Peterborough, I work part time through a Community Care program in the city. The goal is to help seniors stay in their own homes by doing small jobs for them at reasonable rates. Jobs they can no longer do themselves. I've had a few vocations; this one has brought me the least money but the most satisfaction by far.

I am not a "religious" person. I have no use for religiosity. Religion seems to envelop anything and everything anyone can dream up today. I'm all for relationship though, relationship with Christ.

I believe in the one true God of creation. Revealed in Scripture as three persons: God the Father, God the Son(Jesus), God the Holy Spirit. I believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, true and perfect and needing nothing added to it, or taken from it. I believe it to be proven true through the perfect fulfillment of prophecy. Prophecy, not somewhat fulfilled, but perfectly fulfilled to the minutest detail. So, when the Bible says something, I believe it as revealed truth. I believe God's word changes us as He reveals it to us.We don't change His word through our enlightenment or theological education.

The Bible says every person is separated from God's Holy nature, by the sinful nature we're born with because of Adam and Eve's disobedience in the beginning. In order to be reconciled to Holy God, we need a sinless Savior. Sin must be paid for. God's Son Jesus Christ is that Savior. I believe in Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. I believe Jesus died, was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead, appearing to over 500 eye witnesses just as Scriptures say He did.
This gives me full assurance of my own resurrection to eternal life one day. I believe Jesus paid my sin debt in full with His death on the cross, and because of His sacrifice for me there, and the belief and trust that I have placed in Him, I have the forgiveness of sin He offers when we repent (turn away) of our sin. I have a glorious home awaiting me in heaven for all of eternity, and a growing relationship with Jesus right now. This does not make me a perfect person. It just makes me a forgiven one. I am still a work in progress.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son. That whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life". John 3:16

The "whosoever" includes you too! All that is needed is for you to acknowledge your need of a Savior. There is no other way for sinful man or woman to enter the presence of Holy God. We must be in Christ, hidden in His holiness and righteousness. If you plan to get into heaven some day, Jesus is your only ticket in. Nothing else will make it. Not your good works, not attending church, not being a good person, not religious activity, not being baptized, etc, etc. Invite Jesus into your heart to make the changes He needs to make in you. He'll do the work! He will meet you wherever you are. Doesn't matter what you've done. You don't need to "clean up" first. He'll take care of all that. He loves you and wants a relationship with you!

I attended a Christian school from kindergarten to grade 6 and was raised in a Christian home. I asked Jesus into my heart around the age of 11-12 and was baptized in the Annapolis River in Meadowvale Nova Scotia shortly after. I had a good start, but things didn't stay that way. Through lack of Christian fellowship in my teen years and generally just being disillusioned with church in general, I drifted far away from my faith for a period of 15 years, but I always felt the "tug" to come back. Jesus never gave up on me, despite my giving up on Him. That period of my life included a lot of drinking, and reckless living, and a 9 year marriage with 3 children, that ended in divorce. The divorce was enough to finally wake me up to the fact that I wasn't making wise decisions, and my life was really going nowhere.
To make a long story short, I got remarried to a wonderful Godly woman and my life started what has been a long process back to the Lord. I can't regain the years I wasted, but my hope and resolve now is to finish well.

In 2005 I had a very real and personal experience with God. It came after I followed His leading and made some wrongs in my life right again. It meant going to several people and asking their forgiveness. It was an experience I will never forget and I will never be the same again for having it.
I've had my share of alcohol and drugs in the past. I can honestly say, having had this encounter with God, there is no high like the ..... Most High!!

If you could harness the sun and stuff it inside your chest, that, in a small way, would begin to describe what I experienced. Only the sun's light wouldn't be as white as what I experienced! It was as if light was beaming out of every pore of my skin. I remember writing that I felt I had been completely transformed and reborn. Eight days into the experience I wrote, "I feel like I'm only 8 days old!" Everything seemed so new!
The energy level I experienced was amazing. I feel like a walking corpse today, by comparison. If you could stand under Niagara falls and feel the force of the water coming down on you, that would begin to describe in a small way the powerful love I felt poured out on me. The experience lasted for a couple of months. Years later I'm still processing it. I believe Jesus gave me a small sampling of what awaits all who trust in Him. We have a glorious future ahead of us!

Three years ago Jane and I got involved at the Trent Gathering here in Peterborough. A new church plant (from our main church, Auburn Bible Chapel), on the university campus. We're involved as Hub hosts. Which means opening our home one night a week to 20 or so students to come and build Christian community with each other, digging into the Scriptures, unpacking Sunday sermons and praying for and supporting one another which is so important. After three years we've been so encouraged to see so many young people growing in their faith and stepping up to take on leadership rolls. We've seen several come to Christ in our church and many baptized.

I know for certain that God exists. I've seen Him working and changing the lives of others and He's working in my own life as well. He's changing my desires to be His desires. He's an awesome, patient God who loves us, and has our best interests at heart! No one will ever convince me otherwise!

And... that's probably enough for now...

Get in shape!

2010 is my year to get back in shape. I stepped on the scales the other day and I figure I'm at least 75lbs overweight... Yipppee for me!
Now I get to take it off .... one pound at a time. My game plan is simple.... Quit stuffing my face and exercise!
Eat proper size portions and do at least 20-25 mins on the exercise bike each day. Also NO eating after 6:30 pm period. I'm on day 3 so far and the world hasn't come to an end yet...
Prayers will be needed and much appreciated...


Waiting for inspiration for my first blog...